November 21, 2008

New Video by the Impostors!

So the impostors have released a new video under the group name of Utterly Macabre. We've been told it stars Jason Schneidman and is directed by Ben Gelfand. Needless to say, these two gentlemen have made our proverbial "death-list". They have also made our antiverbial one.

November 10, 2008

Nick's Diary!

We have managed to obtain one of the impostors personal diary. I will post some excerpts to show you how unfunny (and may I once again mention both stupid and ugly?) the fake Nick Nemeroff truly is.

Excerpt #1:

November 9, 2008

First thing's Last...

Just to avoid any confusion, for all you first-time blog readers out there, our posts are meant to be read bottom-to-top. Like hebrew or whatever. So this should be the last thing you're reading. By now you should have already read all of our previous, super-cool posts.

The Reviews Are In!

Well, we've been online for about a week now and the reviews are pouring in (though the roofer said he'd have that fixed by next week). Take a look at what most people are saying! Local Asian Mike Cho says "wat the f. ur stupid website blog thing. wat the f is that. how fucking gay is that. i wish i was there to smack u. and then smash ur computer," while the 2007 winner of the coveted Royal West Academy Class of 2007 Best Smile award Trevor Drummond claims "1) u are really gay". Thanks guys and keep those comments about how happy and jovial we are coming!


We have decided to post a picture of ourselves in order to show the readers the difference. As you can clearly see in this picture of us, the real us, we look nothing like those ugly, ugly impostors. You'd have to be a real idiot to see any resemblance whatsoever. Some of our more perceptive readers may also notice that the impostors do not even have mustaches.


We have managed to obtain a photograph of the impostors. Please note how they appear both ugly and stupid.

November 4, 2008

Slighter Adjustment

Nick, you still haven't given me back my credit card that you borrowed.